









2.1 下载、安装和使用:本软件为免费软件,用户可以非商业性、无限制数量地下载、安装及使用本软件。

2.2 复制、分发和传播:用户可以非商业性、无限制数量地复制、分发和传播本软件产品。但必须保证每一份复制、分发和传播都是完整和真实的, 包括所有有关本软件产品的软件、电子文档, 版权和商标,亦包括本协议。如用户超越本许可范围,对本软件各项服务进行销售或用于其他商业用途,360有权不通知用户立即终止向用户提供产品和服务,并依法追究其法律责任,要求其赔偿360的一切损失。


3.1 禁止反向工程、反向编译和反向汇编:用户不得对本软件产品进行反向工程(Reverse Engineer)、反向编译(Decompile)或反向汇编(Disassemble),同时不得改动编译在程序文件内部的任何资源。除法律、法规明文规定允许上述活动外,用户必须遵守此协议限制。

3.2 组件分割:本软件产品是作为一个单一产品而被授予许可使用, 用户不得将各个部分分开用于任何目的。

3.3 个别授权: 如需进行商业性的销售、复制、分发,包括但不限于软件销售、预装、捆绑等,必须获得360的书面授权和许可。

3.4 保留权利:本协议未明示授权的其他一切权利仍归360所有,用户使用其他权利时必须获得360的书面同意。


4.1 注册和使用360共享云账户,需要通过实名认证。只有完成实名认证,您才能合法使用360共享云的各项服务,享受相关的权利。未能完成实名认证,360有权不予审核注册,已经注册的,立即停止服务并可注销账户。

4.2 360共享云账户的所有权归360所有。注册申请通过后,您将拥有360共享云账户的使用权。360有权根据法律规定、监管部门的要求而收回您的账户。

4.3 如注册用户设置的账户名违反法律法规或360关于账户名的管理规定,360有权对该账户做出暂停使用、通知改正、停止服务、直至根据情况注销账户等处理,且不承担任何法律责任,并向主管机关报告。由此导致的不利后果,由您自行承担。

4.4 注册用户不得实施任何赠与、共用、借用、租用、转让或出售360共享云账户等行为。如您违反此约定,360有权对该账户做出暂停使用、通知注册用户改正、停止服务、直至根据情况注销账户等处理,且不承担任何法律责任。由此导致的不利后果,由您自行承担。

4.5 用户了解并同意,用户须对注册信息的真实性、合法性有效性,账户各项行为的合法性,承担全部责任。用户不得冒充他人,不得利用他人的名义发布任何信息,不得恶意使用注册账户导致其他用户误认,否则360有权立即停止提供服务,用户将承担由此而产生的一切法律责任。


5.1 用户理解并认可,360共享云是基于共享经济模式、人人皆可参与的共享闲置资源的计划。用户通过360共享云路由器,分享用户闲置带宽资源、存储空间等,提供给有需要的第三方,缓解社会网络资源紧张的情况,让闲置资源更有价值。用户参加360共享云计划,必须通过本软件绑定指定型号的360共享云路由器产品,并开启共享云功能。可支持共享云计划的360共享云路由器产品,以本软件列明并支持的型号为准。

5.2 用户理解并认可,360公司仅提供本协议项下约定之服务,除此之外与相关网络服务有关的设备(如个人电脑、手机、及其他与接入网络有关的装置)及所需的费用(如为接入互联网而支付的电话费及上网费、为使用移动网而支付的手机费及流量费)均应由用户自行提供并负担。

5.3 对于支持360共享云的相关硬件、软件,用户不得擅自实施包括但不限于下列行为:复制、修改、反向工程,及未经360公司允许的再次售卖等。

5.4 任何利用软件、硬件等相关漏洞,侵入、拦截、破坏、修改共享云计划的用户,以及使用带有伪造、篡改相关功能或信息的软件、硬件,虚报带宽、存储空间、在线时长、硬件计算能力等造假作弊的用户,一经发现,将处以永久性封停违规账户和违规设备参与360共享云计划的处罚。

5.5 用户理解并自愿参与360共享云计划:



5.5.3 是否参与、退出360共享云计划,并不影响360共享云路由器产品的正常使用。是否参与360共享云计划、是否获得相应的云钻,也不构成用户退换360共享云路由器产品的理由。

5.6 用户参与360共享云计划需要读写外部存储设备(U盘或硬盘)的未使用空间,而存储设备于消耗性电子设备。用户充分理解并同意,存储设备因操作不当、异常断电、带电热插拔、或者自然原因硬件损坏或损耗,以及因为硬件损坏造成用户在存储设备上数据的丢失,360不须承担法律责任。同时用户充分理解并同意,须使用空白的存储设备接入到360共享云硬件,360也不会获取用户隐私文件和数据。

5.7 用户可以随时暂停、终止参与360共享云计划。

5.8 云钻仅限用户个人使用,用户不得实施任何赠与、共用、借用、租用、转账、转让或出售云钻等行为。

5.9 360在法律规定的范围内,保留变更360共享云计划的权利。用户选择确定后,本软件会进行升级更新,产生相应的数据流量费,由运营商收取。

5.10 基于参与360共享云计划的需要,用户明确同意,本软件可以获取用户的360共享云路由器的序列号、IP地址、MAC地址、磁盘序列号、磁盘大小、磁盘剩余空间、网络带宽测速值等信息。360共享云计划不含有任何旨在破坏用户数据和获取用户隐私信息的恶意代码,不含有任何监控、监视用户计算机的功能代码;360共享云不会收集用户私人文件、文档等信息,不会泄漏用户隐私。

5.11 360将根据市场与技术的发展,向用户提供与360共享云计划相关的各种互联网以及通信增值服务,包括免费和收费的增值服务,并会在相关页面进行提示。360在法律规定的范围内保留对相关增值服务收取费用及改变收费标准、方式的权利;如相关服务由免费变更为收费服务,360将以适当的形式通知用户,用户可自主选择接受或拒绝收费服务。并保证在使用收费服务时,将按照360相关收费规定支付费用,如拒付或拖欠费用,360有权停止服务,并依法追偿损失及赔偿。

6、 隐私权保护

6.1 360 承诺遵守《 360 用户隐私保护白皮书》以及适用法律的规定。

6.2 360制定了严格的用户上传信息处理规则和安全保护措施来确保不超越目的和范围收集用户信息,确保用户上传信息的安全,确保用户上传信息不被滥用。

6.3 360 制定了以下四项隐私权保护原则,指导我们如何来处理产品中涉及到用户隐私权和用户信息等方面的问题:

6.3.1 利用我们收集的信息为用户提供有价值的产品和服务。

6.3.2 开发符合隐私权标准和隐私权惯例的产品。

6.3.3 将个人信息的收集透明化,并由权威第三方监督。

6.3.4 尽最大的努力保护我们掌握的信息。

您可通过360 互联网安全中心网站查看我们有关隐私保护的详细内容,网址为: http://www.360.cn/privacy/index.html


7.1 用户确认,其知悉本软件所有功能及360为实现本软件各功能所进行的必要操作,其根据自身需求自愿选择使用本软件及相关服务,因使用本软件及相关服务所存在的风险和一切后果将完全由其自己承担,360不承担任何责任。

7.2 本软件经过详细的测试,但不能保证与所有的软硬件系统完全兼容,不能保证本软件完全没有错误。如果出现不兼容及软件错误的情况,用户可拨打技术支持电话将情况报告360公司,获得技术支持。如果无法解决兼容性问题,用户可以删除本软件。

7.3 在适用法律允许的最大范围内,对因使用或不能使用本软件所产生的损害及风险,包括但不限于直接或间接的个人损害、商业赢利的丧失、贸易中断、商业信息的丢失或任何其它经济损失,360不承担任何责任。

7.4 对于因电信系统或互联网网络故障、计算机故障或病毒、信息损坏或丢失、计算机系统问题或其它任何不可抗力原因而产生损失,360不承担任何责任。

7.5 360基于现有技术水平提供共享云计划服务。360未承诺,用户参与360共享云计划后,不会影响、打扰正常使用硬件产品。用户理解并接受,参与360共享云计划可能会影响使用硬件产品,对此无异议。

7.6 360按照自身业务发展情况尽量为用户提供360共享云计划服务。但360并未承诺,用户参与360云共享计划后一定能获得相应的云钻,也未承诺用户获得的云钻必定能兑换相应产品或服务。


8.1 用户应在遵守法律及本协议的前提下使用本软件。用户不得实施包括但不限于下列行为:

8.1.1 删除或者改变本软件上的所有权利管理电子信息;

8.1.2 故意避开或者破坏著作权人为保护本软件著作权而采取的技术措施;

8.1.3 利用本软件误导、欺骗他人 ;

8.1.4 违反国家规定,对计算机信息系统功能进行删除、修改、增加、干扰,造成计算机信息系统不能正常运行;

8.1.5 未经允许,进入计算机信息网络或者使用计算机信息网络资源;

8.1.6 未经允许,对计算机信息网络功能进行删除、修改或者增加的;

8.1.7 未经允许,对计算机信息网络中存储、处理或者传输的数据和应用程序进行删除、修改或者增加;

8.1.8 破坏360软件系统或网站的正常运行,故意传播计算机病毒等破坏性程序;

8.1.9 其他任何危害计算机信息网络安全的行为;

8.2 用户在使用软件服务的过程中应文明发言,并依法尊重其它用户的人格权与身份权等人身权利,共同建立和谐、文明、礼貌的网络社交环境。

8.3 用户在使用软件服务过程中,还必须遵循以下原则:

8.3.1 不得违反中华人民共和国法律法规及相关国际条约或规则;

8.3.2 不得违反与网络服务、360服务有关的网络协议、规定、程序及行业规则;

8.3.3 不得违反法律法规、社会主义制度、国家利益、公民合法权益、公共秩序、社会道德风尚和信息真实性等“七条底线”要求;

8.3.4 不得进行任何可能对互联网或移动网正常运转造成不利影响的行为;

8.3.5 不得上传、展示或传播任何不实虚假、冒充性的、骚扰性的、中伤性的、攻击性的、辱骂性的、恐吓性的、种族歧视性的、诽谤诋毁、泄露隐私、成人情色、恶意抄袭的或其他任何非法的信息资料;

8.3.6 不得以任何方式侵犯其他任何人依法享有的专利权、著作权、商标权等知识产权,或姓名权、名称权、名誉权、荣誉权、肖像权、隐私权等人身权益,或其他任何合法权益;

8.3.7 不得以任何形式侵犯360公司的权利和/或利益或作出任何不利于360公司的行为;

8.3.8 不得从事其他任何影响软件平台正常运营、破坏软件平台经营模式或其他有害软件平台生态的行为。

8.4 360公司有权对用户使用本软件服务的行为及信息进行审查、监督及处理,包括但不限于用户信息(账号信息、个人信息等)、发布内容(位置、文字、图片、音频、视频、商标、专利、出版物等)、用户行为(转让账户或云钻、评论、参与活动、营销信息发布、举报投诉等)等范畴。如发现、或收到第三方举报或投诉用户在使用软件服务时违反本协议相关规定,360有权依据其合理判断要求用户:

8.4.1 限期改正;

8.4.2 不经通知直接采取一切必要措施以减轻或消除用户不当行为造成的影响,并将尽可能在处理之后对用户进行通知。上述必要措施包括但不限于更改、屏蔽或删除相关内容,警告违规账号,限制或禁止违规账号部分或全部功能,暂停、终止、注销用户使用软件服务的权利等。




9.1 本协议适用中华人民共和国法律。

9.2 因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,各方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均可将有关争议提交至被告住所地有管辖权的法院进行诉讼解决。


10.1 如用户在使用360服务的过程中有任何问题,可以通过360共享云论坛联系我们解决,也可以发送至邮件 gxy-kefu@360.cn,也可以电话联系我们:400-6822360。

10.2 请在确保自己和他人安全和遵守相关法律法规前提下,使用本软件。


10.4 在本协议基础上,360将不时发布具体的规则及说明等文件,该等文件以及360通过各种方式(包括但不限于网页公告、系统通知、私信、短信提醒等)作出的任何声明、通知、警示等内容视为本协议的一部分,如用户使用或继续使用该等服务,则视为用户同意该规则、说明、声明、通知、警示的内容。

10.5 360有权随时根据有关法律、法规的变化以及公司经营状况和经营策略的调整等修改本协议。修改后的协议会随附于新版本软件发布。当发生有关争议时,以最新的协议文本为准。如果不同意改动的内容,用户可以自行删除本软件。如果用户继续使用本软件,则视为您接受本协议的变动。

10.6 360在法律允许的最大范围内对本协议拥有解释权与修改权。













2.1 下載、安裝和使用:本軟件為免費軟件,用戶可以非商業性、無限制數量地下載、安裝及使用本軟件。

2.2 復制、分發和傳播:用戶可以非商業性、無限制數量地復制、分發和傳播本軟件產品。但必須保證每壹份復制、分發和傳播都是完整和真實的, 包括所有有關本軟件產品的軟件、電子文檔, 版權和商標,亦包括本協議。如用戶超越本許可範圍,對本軟件各項服務進行銷售或用於其他商業用途,360有權不通知用戶立即終止向用戶提供產品和服務,並依法追究其法律責任,要求其賠償360的壹切損失。


3.1 禁止反向工程、反向編譯和反向匯編:用戶不得對本軟件產品進行反向工程(Reverse Engineer)、反向編譯(Decompile)或反向匯編(Disassemble),同時不得改動編譯在程序文件內部的任何資源。除法律、法規明文規定允許上述活動外,用戶必須遵守此協議限制。

3.2 組件分割:本軟件產品是作為壹個單壹產品而被授予許可使用, 用戶不得將各個部分分開用於任何目的。

3.3 個別授權: 如需進行商業性的銷售、復制、分發,包括但不限於軟件銷售、預裝、捆綁等,必須獲得360的書面授權和許可。

3.4 保留權利:本協議未明示授權的其他壹切權利仍歸360所有,用戶使用其他權利時必須獲得360的書面同意。


4.1 註冊和使用360共享雲賬戶,需要通過實名認證。只有完成實名認證,您才能合法使用360共享雲的各項服務,享受相關的權利。未能完成實名認證,360有權不予審核註冊,已經註冊的,立即停止服務並可註銷賬戶。

4.2 360共享雲賬戶的所有權歸360所有。註冊申請通過後,您將擁有360共享雲賬戶的使用權。360有權根據法律規定、監管部門的要求而收回您的賬戶。

4.3 如註冊用戶設置的賬戶名違反法律法規或360關於賬戶名的管理規定,360有權對該賬戶做出暫停使用、通知改正、停止服務、直至根據情況註銷賬戶等處理,且不承擔任何法律責任,並向主管機關報告。由此導致的不利後果,由您自行承擔。

4.4 註冊用戶不得實施任何贈與、共用、借用、租用、轉讓或出售360共享雲賬戶等行為。如您違反此約定,360有權對該賬戶做出暫停使用、通知註冊用戶改正、停止服務、直至根據情況註銷賬戶等處理,且不承擔任何法律責任。由此導致的不利後果,由您自行承擔。

4.5 用戶了解並同意,用戶須對註冊信息的真實性、合法性有效性,賬戶各項行為的合法性,承擔全部責任。用戶不得冒充他人,不得利用他人的名義發布任何信息,不得惡意使用註冊賬戶導致其他用戶誤認,否則360有權立即停止提供服務,用戶將承擔由此而產生的壹切法律責任。


5.1 用戶理解並認可,360共享雲是基於共享經濟模式、人人皆可參與的共享閑置資源的計劃。用戶通過360共享雲路由器,分享用戶閑置帶寬資源、存儲空間等,提供給有需要的第三方,緩解社會網絡資源緊張的情況,讓閑置資源更有價值。用戶參加360共享雲計劃,必須通過本軟件綁定指定型號的360共享雲路由器產品,並開啟共享雲功能。可支持共享雲計劃的360共享雲路由器產品,以本軟件列明並支持的型號為準。

5.2 用戶理解並認可,360公司僅提供本協議項下約定之服務,除此之外與相關網絡服務有關的設備(如個人電腦、手機、及其他與接入網絡有關的裝置)及所需的費用(如為接入互聯網而支付的電話費及上網費、為使用移動網而支付的手機費及流量費)均應由用戶自行提供並負擔。

5.3 對於支持360共享雲的相關硬件、軟件,用戶不得擅自實施包括但不限於下列行為:復制、修改、反向工程,及未經360公司允許的再次售賣等。

5.4 任何利用軟件、硬件等相關漏洞,侵入、攔截、破壞、修改共享雲計劃的用戶,以及使用帶有偽造、篡改相關功能或信息的軟件、硬件,虛報帶寬、存儲空間、在線時長、硬件計算能力等造假作弊的用戶,壹經發現,將處以永久性封停違規賬戶和違規設備參與360共享雲計劃的處罰。

5.5 用戶理解並自願參與360共享雲計劃:



5.5.3 是否參與、退出360共享雲計劃,並不影響360共享雲路由器產品的正常使用。是否參與360共享雲計劃、是否獲得相應的雲鉆,也不構成用戶退換360共享雲路由器產品的理由。

5.6 用戶參與360共享雲計劃需要讀寫外部存儲設備(U盤或硬盤)的未使用空間,而存儲設備於消耗性電子設備。用戶充分理解並同意,存儲設備因操作不當、異常斷電、帶電熱插拔、或者自然原因硬件損壞或損耗,以及因為硬件損壞造成用戶在存儲設備上數據的丟失,360不須承擔法律責任。同時用戶充分理解並同意,須使用空白的存儲設備接入到360共享雲硬件,360也不會獲取用戶隱私文件和數據。

5.7 用戶可以隨時暫停、終止參與360共享雲計劃。

5.8 雲鉆僅限用戶個人使用,用戶不得實施任何贈與、共用、借用、租用、轉賬、轉讓或出售雲鉆等行為。

5.9 360在法律規定的範圍內,保留變更360共享雲計劃的權利。用戶選擇確定後,本軟件會進行升級更新,產生相應的數據流量費,由運營商收取。

5.10 基於參與360共享雲計劃的需要,用戶明確同意,本軟件可以獲取用戶的360共享雲路由器的序列號、IP地址、MAC地址、磁盤序列號、磁盤大小、磁盤剩余空間、網絡帶寬測速值等信息。360共享雲計劃不含有任何旨在破壞用戶數據和獲取用戶隱私信息的惡意代碼,不含有任何監控、監視用戶計算機的功能代碼;360共享雲不會收集用戶私人文件、文檔等信息,不會泄漏用戶隱私。

5.11 360將根據市場與技術的發展,向用戶提供與360共享雲計劃相關的各種互聯網以及通信增值服務,包括免費和收費的增值服務,並會在相關頁面進行提示。360在法律規定的範圍內保留對相關增值服務收取費用及改變收費標準、方式的權利;如相關服務由免費變更為收費服務,360將以適當的形式通知用戶,用戶可自主選擇接受或拒絕收費服務。並保證在使用收費服務時,將按照360相關收費規定支付費用,如拒付或拖欠費用,360有權停止服務,並依法追償損失及賠償。

6、 隱私權保護

6.1 360 承諾遵守《 360 用戶隱私保護白皮書》以及適用法律的規定。

6.2 360制定了嚴格的用戶上傳信息處理規則和安全保護措施來確保不超越目的和範圍收集用戶信息,確保用戶上傳信息的安全,確保用戶上傳信息不被濫用。

6.3 360 制定了以下四項隱私權保護原則,指導我們如何來處理產品中涉及到用戶隱私權和用戶信息等方面的問題:

6.3.1 利用我們收集的信息為用戶提供有價值的產品和服務。

6.3.2 開發符合隱私權標準和隱私權慣例的產品。

6.3.3 將個人信息的收集透明化,並由權威第三方監督。

6.3.4 盡最大的努力保護我們掌握的信息。

您可通過360 互聯網安全中心網站查看我們有關隱私保護的詳細內容,網址為: http://www.360.cn/privacy/index.html


7.1 用戶確認,其知悉本軟件所有功能及360為實現本軟件各功能所進行的必要操作,其根據自身需求自願選擇使用本軟件及相關服務,因使用本軟件及相關服務所存在的風險和壹切後果將完全由其自己承擔,360不承擔任何責任。

7.2 本軟件經過詳細的測試,但不能保證與所有的軟硬件系統完全兼容,不能保證本軟件完全沒有錯誤。如果出現不兼容及軟件錯誤的情況,用戶可撥打技術支持電話將情況報告360公司,獲得技術支持。如果無法解決兼容性問題,用戶可以刪除本軟件。

7.3 在適用法律允許的最大範圍內,對因使用或不能使用本軟件所產生的損害及風險,包括但不限於直接或間接的個人損害、商業贏利的喪失、貿易中斷、商業信息的丟失或任何其它經濟損失,360不承擔任何責任。

7.4 對於因電信系統或互聯網網絡故障、計算機故障或病毒、信息損壞或丟失、計算機系統問題或其它任何不可抗力原因而產生損失,360不承擔任何責任。

7.5 360基於現有技術水平提供共享雲計劃服務。360未承諾,用戶參與360共享雲計劃後,不會影響、打擾正常使用硬件產品。用戶理解並接受,參與360共享雲計劃可能會影響使用硬件產品,對此無異議。

7.6 360按照自身業務發展情況盡量為用戶提供360共享雲計劃服務。但360並未承諾,用戶參與360雲共享計劃後壹定能獲得相應的雲鉆,也未承諾用戶獲得的雲鉆必定能兌換相應產品或服務。


8.1 用戶應在遵守法律及本協議的前提下使用本軟件。用戶不得實施包括但不限於下列行為:

8.1.1 刪除或者改變本軟件上的所有權利管理電子信息;

8.1.2 故意避開或者破壞著作權人為保護本軟件著作權而采取的技術措施;

8.1.3 利用本軟件誤導、欺騙他人 ;

8.1.4 違反國家規定,對計算機信息系統功能進行刪除、修改、增加、幹擾,造成計算機信息系統不能正常運行;

8.1.5 未經允許,進入計算機信息網絡或者使用計算機信息網絡資源;

8.1.6 未經允許,對計算機信息網絡功能進行刪除、修改或者增加的;

8.1.7 未經允許,對計算機信息網絡中存儲、處理或者傳輸的數據和應用程序進行刪除、修改或者增加;

8.1.8 破壞360軟件系統或網站的正常運行,故意傳播計算機病毒等破壞性程序;

8.1.9 其他任何危害計算機信息網絡安全的行為;

8.2 用戶在使用軟件服務的過程中應文明發言,並依法尊重其它用戶的人格權與身份權等人身權利,共同建立和諧、文明、禮貌的網絡社交環境。

8.3 用戶在使用軟件服務過程中,還必須遵循以下原則:

8.3.1 不得違反中華人民共和國法律法規及相關國際條約或規則;

8.3.2 不得違反與網絡服務、360服務有關的網絡協議、規定、程序及行業規則;

8.3.3 不得違反法律法規、社會主義制度、國家利益、公民合法權益、公共秩序、社會道德風尚和信息真實性等“七條底線”要求;

8.3.4 不得進行任何可能對互聯網或移動網正常運轉造成不利影響的行為;

8.3.5 不得上傳、展示或傳播任何不實虛假、冒充性的、騷擾性的、中傷性的、攻擊性的、辱罵性的、恐嚇性的、種族歧視性的、誹謗詆毀、泄露隱私、成人情色、惡意抄襲的或其他任何非法的信息資料;

8.3.6 不得以任何方式侵犯其他任何人依法享有的專利權、著作權、商標權等知識產權,或姓名權、名稱權、名譽權、榮譽權、肖像權、隱私權等人身權益,或其他任何合法權益;

8.3.7 不得以任何形式侵犯360公司的權利和/或利益或作出任何不利於360公司的行為;

8.3.8 不得從事其他任何影響軟件平臺正常運營、破壞軟件平臺經營模式或其他有害軟件平臺生態的行為。

8.4 360公司有權對用戶使用本軟件服務的行為及信息進行審查、監督及處理,包括但不限於用戶信息(賬號信息、個人信息等)、發布內容(位置、文字、圖片、音頻、視頻、商標、專利、出版物等)、用戶行為(轉讓賬戶或雲鉆、評論、參與活動、營銷信息發布、舉報投訴等)等範疇。如發現、或收到第三方舉報或投訴用戶在使用軟件服務時違反本協議相關規定,360有權依據其合理判斷要求用戶:

8.4.1 限期改正;

8.4.2 不經通知直接采取壹切必要措施以減輕或消除用戶不當行為造成的影響,並將盡可能在處理之後對用戶進行通知。上述必要措施包括但不限於更改、屏蔽或刪除相關內容,警告違規賬號,限制或禁止違規賬號部分或全部功能,暫停、終止、註銷用戶使用軟件服務的權利等。




9.1 本協議適用中華人民共和國法律。

9.2 因本協議引起的或與本協議有關的任何爭議,各方應友好協商解決;協商不成的,任何壹方均可將有關爭議提交至被告住所地有管轄權的法院進行訴訟解決。


10.1 如用戶在使用360服務的過程中有任何問題,可以通過360共享雲論壇聯系我們解決,也可以發送至郵件 gxy-kefu@360.cn,也可以電話聯系我們:400-6822360。

10.2 請在確保自己和他人安全和遵守相關法律法規前提下,使用本軟件。


10.4 在本協議基礎上,360將不時發布具體的規則及說明等文件,該等文件以及360通過各種方式(包括但不限於網頁公告、系統通知、私信、短信提醒等)作出的任何聲明、通知、警示等內容視為本協議的壹部分,如用戶使用或繼續使用該等服務,則視為用戶同意該規則、說明、聲明、通知、警示的內容。

10.5 360有權隨時根據有關法律、法規的變化以及公司經營狀況和經營策略的調整等修改本協議。修改後的協議會隨附於新版本軟件發布。當發生有關爭議時,以最新的協議文本為準。如果不同意改動的內容,用戶可以自行刪除本軟件。如果用戶繼續使用本軟件,則視為您接受本協議的變動。

10.6 360在法律允許的最大範圍內對本協議擁有解釋權與修改權。



360 Sharing Cloud Software Permission Agreement


Welcome to 360 Sharing Cloud!


Please be sure to read and understand all rights and restrictions set forth in the “360 Sharing Cloud Software Permission Agreement” (hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”). Unless you accept the terms and conditions of the “Agreement”, you are not authorized to download, install or use the “software” and its related services. Once you install, copy, download, access or otherwise use the software product, it is deemed that the acceptance to the “agreement”, i.e. it means that you agree with the restrictions of various terms and conditions of the “Agreement”. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of the “Agreement”, please do not install, copy or use the software.

The “Agreement” is the legally binding agreement between the user (or “You”, which means individual who or organization which registers, logs on, uses, browses the service) and 360 Company (360 Company and its affiliates, hereinafter referred to as “360”) for the user to download, install, use, copy the 360 Sharing Cloud Software accompanied with the “Agreement” (include but not limited to 360 Sharing Cloud’s products, procedures, hardware and services. Hereinafter referred to as “Software”).

The minor shall review and fulfill the agreement accompanied by the legal guardian, it is deemed that the minor has obtained the legal guardian’s recognition to implement and fulfill the rights and obligations under the agreement, otherwise please do not use the service.


1. Right Declaration

All intellectual property of the “Software” and all related information contained in the “Software”, including but not limited to text description and its combination, icon, decoration, image, figure and table, color, interface design, display framework, related data, additional program, printed material or electronic file, are owned by 360 and subject to the protection of copyright and international copyright treaties as well as other intellectual property laws and regulations.


2. Scope of Permission

2.1 Download, install and use: the software is free and the user can download, install and use the software non-commercially with unlimited times.

2.2 Copy, distribute and disseminate: the uses can copy, distribute and disseminate the software product non-commercially with unlimited times, but it shall be guaranteed that every copy, distribution and dissemination is complete and real, including all software, electronic file, copyright and trademark related to the software product, and also the agreement. If the user exceeds the scope of permission, sell the software services or use it commercially, 360 owns the right to terminate the provision of products and services of the software to the user, and claim legal liabilities according to the law, requiring compensation for all losses of 360.

3. Restrictions on Rights

3.1 Prohibition of reverse engineer, decompilation and disassembly: the user is not allowed to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software product, also not allowed to change any resources compiled in the program file. Unless the above activities are expressly allowed by law, the user shall comply with the agreement restrictions.

3.2 Component partition: the software product is permitted to use as a single product, the user is not allowed to make component partition for any use.

3.3 Individual authorization: for commercial sale, copy, distribution, including but not limited to software sale, pre-installation, binding, etc., you shall obtain 360’s written authorization and permission.

3.4 Reserved rights: all other rights not expressly authorized are still owned by 360, the use shall obtain 360’s written consent to use.


4. Account Registration Instructions

4.1 Registering and using 360 Sharing Cloud account requires real-name authentication. Only the completion of real-name authentication, you are allowed to legally use the 360 Sharing Cloud services, enjoy relevant rights. Failure to complete the real-name authentication, 360 owns the right not allowing the registration, for those who have registered, the services can be terminated immediately and the accounts cancelled.

4.2 The ownership of the 360 Sharing Cloud account is owned by 360. After approval of registration application, you will own the right to use 360 Sharing Cloud account. 360 owns the right to withdraw your account according to the law and regulatory requirements.

4.3 If the account name set by the registered user violate the laws, regulations or 360’s account name management rules, 360 owns the right to suspend the use, notify for correction, stop service, and even cancel the account according to the circumstances, not assuming any legal liabilities, and reports to the competent authority. The adverse consequences thus resulted will be at your own responsibility.

4.4 The registered user shall not impose any act of granting, sharing, lending, renting, assigning or selling 360 Sharing Cloud accounts. If violated, 360 owns the rights to suspend the use, notify for correction, stop service, and even cancel the account according to the circumstances, not assuming any legal liabilities. The adverse consequences thus resulted will be at your own responsibility.

4.5 The user understands and agrees that the user shall take full responsibility for the authenticity, legality, validity of the registered information, the legality of the account’s various acts. The user shall not impersonate others, shall not use other’s name to publish any information, shall not maliciously use registered account to mislead other users. Otherwise, 360 owns the right to terminate immediately the service provision, the user will assume all the legal liabilities thus derived.


5. 360 Sharing Cloud Plan

5.1 The user understands and recognizes that 360 Sharing Cloud is a plan based on sharing economic model, everyone can participate in sharing idle resources. Via 360 Sharing Cloud router, the user shares idle bandwidth resources, storage space, etc. to provide to the third parties in need, mitigate the tension of social network resources, make more value for the idle resources. The user participating in the 360 Sharing Cloud Plan shall open sharing cloud function via the 360 Sharing Cloud router product of specified model number binding to the software. For the 360 Sharing Cloud router product supporting Sharing Cloud Plan, the model number specified and supported by the software shall prevail.

5.2 The user understand and recognizes that the 360 Company only provide the services stipulated in the agreement, the equipment (such as PC, mobile phone and other devices connected with the network) related to the related network service and required cost (such as telephone and internet fees paid for accessing the internet, telephone and traffic fees paid for mobile network) shall be provided and afforded by the user.

5.3 For the related hardware, software supporting 360 Sharing Cloud, the user shall not perform but not limited to following acts: copy, modify, reverse engineer, and resell without the permission of 360 Company.

5.4 The user who exploits the related vulnerabilities of software, hardware, etc. to intrude, block, destroy, modify Sharing Cloud Plan, and uses software and hardware with counterfeit and tampering related functions or information, makes false report of bandwidth, storage space, online duration, hardware calculation capability and other fraud cheat, once discovered, will be punished by permanent closure of the violated account and equipment to participate in 360 Sharing Cloud Plan.

5.5 The user understands and voluntarily participate in 360 Sharing Cloud Plan

5.5.1 The user can participate in 360 Sharing Cloud Plan, sharing the resources of idle network bandwidth, storage space, etc. and obtaining corresponding cloud diamond. For the specific scheme of cloud diamond obtaining and exchanging, the content separated announced with the software shall prevail. The user has fully understood and recognized the specific scheme of the 360 Sharing Cloud Plan before participating.

5.5.2 The cloud diamond is not an integral part of the 360 Sharing Cloud Plan and its related services. Purchasing 360 Sharing Cloud router and participating in 360 Sharing Cloud Plan are not necessarily rewarded with cloud diamond.

5.5.3 Whether participating in or leaving 360 Sharing Cloud Plan, the normal use of the 360 Sharing Cloud router product will not be affected. Whether participating in 360 Sharing Cloud Plan and whether obtaining corresponding cloud diamond cannot become the user’s excuse for returning 360 Sharing Cloud router product.

5.6 The user participating in 360 Sharing Cloud Plan needs to access unused space of the external storage device (U disk or hard disk), which belongs to consumable electronic device. The user fully understands and agrees that 360 shall not be legally liable for the data loss on the storage device due to improper operation of storage device, abnormal power-off, hot plugging, or natural caused hardware damage or loss, and hardware damage. Also, the user fully understands and agrees that the user shall use blank storage device to access the 360 Sharing Cloud hardware, 360 will not obtain user’s privacy files and data.

5.7 The user can suspend and terminate participation in 360 Sharing Cloud Plan at any time.

5.8 The cloud diamond is for personal use only, the user shall not impose any act of granting, sharing, lending, renting, transferring, assigning or selling.

5.9 360 reserves the right to change 360 Sharing Cloud Plan to the extent permitted by law. After the user chooses to confirm, the software will proceed upgrade and update, the corresponding date flow fee will be charged by the operator.

5.10 Due to the need for participating in 360 Sharing Cloud Plan, the user explicitly agrees that the software can obtain the information of the user’s 360 Sharing Cloud router’s serial number, IP address, MAC address, disk’s serial number, disk size, disk’s remaining space, network bandwidth, speed, etc.. The 360 Sharing Cloud Plan does not include any malicious code designed to destroy user data and obtain user privacy information, nor include any function code of monitoring user’s computer; the 360 Sharing Cloud does not collect information of user’s personal document, file, etc., nor leak user’s privacy.

5.11 Based on the market and technical development, 360 will provide 360 Sharing Cloud Plan related various network and communication value-added service including free and charged value-added service, the information of which will be prompted on related pages. 360 will reserve the right for charging related value-added fee and changing charge standard and way of charge; if the related service changes from free of charge to be charged, 360 will inform the user in proper form, the user can choose to accept or refuse the charged service as desired. Also, the user shall guarantee to pay the charge according to 360’s related charging rules while using charged service, if the user refuse to pay or in arrears, 360 owns the right to terminate the service and claim for the loss and compensation according to the law.


6 Privacy Protection

6.1 360 commits to follow “360 User Privacy Protection White Paper” and the applicable laws.

6.2 360 has regulated strict user uploading information processing rules and security protection measures to ensure not collecting user information exceeding the purpose and scope, ensure user uploaded information security, ensure user uploaded information not being abused.

6.3 360 has regulated following four privacy protection principles to direct us how to handle the product involved issues of user privacy and user information:

6.3.1 Use collected information to provide user valuable product and service.

6.3.2 Develop product complying with privacy standard and privacy practice.

6.3.3 The personal information collection is transparent and supervised by authoritative third party.

6.3.4 Make best effort to protect the information we held.

You can view the details about our privacy protection via 360’s internet security center website: http://www.360.cn/privacy/index.html


7. Disclaimer

7.1 The user confirms that the user is aware of all functions of the software and all necessary operation to implement the software functions performed by 360, voluntarily chooses the software and related services according to the user’s own need, the risk and the consequence derived from using the software and related services will be fully at the user’s responsibility, 360 does not assume any liability.

7.2 Though the software has been tested thoroughly, it is not guaranteed to be fully compatible with all software and hardware systems, it is not guaranteed to be free of error for the software. In case of non-compatibility and software error, the user can call technical support number to report the situation to 360 Company and obtain technical support. If the compatible problem cannot be solved, the user can delete the software.

7.3 To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, for any damage and risk resulted from using or being not able to use the software, including but not limited to direct or indirect personal damage, commercial profit loss, trade interruption, commercial information loss or any other economic loss, 360 does not assume any liability.

7.5 For the loss resulted from telecommunication system or internet network failure, computer failure or virus, information damage or loss, computer system problem or any other force majeure, 360 does not assume any liability.

7.5 360 provides Sharing Cloud Plan services based on the state of the art. 360 is not committed to not affecting, interrupting normally applicable hardware product after the user participates in 360 Sharing Cloud Plan. The user understands and accepts the participating in 360 Sharing Cloud Plan may affect the hardware product without any objection.

7.6 360 provide the user 360 Sharing Cloud Plan based on 360’s own business development. However, 360 is not committed to the user’s obtaining corresponding cloud diamond after participating in 360 Sharing Cloud Plan, it is also not committed that the user is deemed to exchange corresponding product or service using obtained cloud diamond.


8. Legal Liability

8.1 The user shall use the software in compliance with the law and the agreement. The user shall not impose, including but not limited to, the following:

8.1.1 Delete or change all right management’s electronic information of the software;

8.1.2 Deliberately avoid or destroy the technical measure taken by the copyright owner to protect the copyright of the software;

8.1.3 Use the software to mislead, deceive others’

8.1.4 Violate the State provision to delete, modify, add, disturb the computer’s information system functions, resulting in its abnormal operation;

8.1.5 Enter the computer information network or use its resources without permission;

8.1.6 Delete, modify or add computer information network function without permission.

8.1.7 Delete, modify or add the data and application program stored, handled or transported by the computer information network without permission;

8.1.8 Destroy normal operation of the 360 software system or website, deliberately disseminate destructive program of computer virus, etc.;

8.1.9 Any other acts that endanger the computer information network security;

8.2 During using the software services, the user shall express in a civilized way, and respect the personal rights and personality right of other users according to the laws, to establish a harmonized, civilized and polite network social environment.

8.3 During using the software services, the user must also follow the principles below:

8.3.1 No violation of PRC’s laws and regulations and related international treaties or rules:

8.3.2 N violation of network services, 360 services related network agreements, rules, procedures and operation rules:

8.3.3 No violation of the “seven bottom lines” requirements of laws and regulations, socialist system, national interests, legitimate citizens’ rights and interests, public order, social morality and information authenticity, etc.;

8.3.4 No action that may adversely affect normal operation of internet or mobile network;

8.3.5 No upload, display or transmit any information that is false, obscene, harassing, libelous, offensive, abusive, intimidating, racially discriminatory, slandering, privacy revealing, adult erotic, malicious copy or other illegal information materials;

8.3.6 In no way shall any infringement on anyone owned intellectual property such as patent, copyright, trademark, or personal right such as name right, title right, reputation right, honor right, portrait right, privacy right, or any other legal rights and interests;

8.3.7 In no way shall any infringement on 360 Company’s rights and/or interests or any act detrimental to 360 Company;

8.3.8 No any other act of affecting software platform’s normal operation, destroying software platform’ business model or being harmful to software platform’s eco-system.

8.4 360 Company owns the right to review, supervise and handle the user’s behavior of using the software services and the information used by the user, including but not limited to user information (account information, personal information, etc.), posted content (position, text, picture, audio, video, trademark, patent, publication, etc.), user behavior (account or cloud diamond transfer, comment, activity participation, marketing information release, report and complaint, etc.) and other areas. If it is found or received from third parry the report or complaint for the user’s violation of the agreement related rules in using the software services, 360 owns the right to reasonably judge and require the users as below:

8.4.1 Correct in a time limit;

8.4.2 Take all necessary measures to mitigate or eliminate the effects of user misconduct without notice, and inform the user after handling as soon as possible. The above measures include but not limited to change, screen or delete related contents, warn the account of violation, limit or prohibit part of or all functions of the account of violation, suspend, terminate, cancel the user’s right to use the software services, etc.

8.4.3 If the user impose any act of granting, sharing, lending, renting, transferring, assigning or selling 360 Sharing Cloud account, cloud diamond, 360 owns the rights to declare the user’s behavior invalid, limit or prohibit part of or all functions of the account of violation, suspend, terminate, cancel the user’s right to use the software services, withdraw corresponding cloud diamond.

8.5 If the user’s violation of the agreement’s rules causes any damage to 360, 360 owns the right to take measures of, including but not limited to, interrupting permission to use, terminating service provision, limited use, taking legal action, etc.


9. Legal and Dispute Resolution

9.1 The agreement applies to PRC’s laws.

9.2 Any dispute induced by or in connection with the agreement shall be settled amicably through negotiation; if the negotiation fails, either party may submit the dispute to the competent court in the place where the defendant is domiciled for litigation.


10. Other Terms and Conditions

10.1 If the user finds any problem during using 360 service, you can contact us for resolution via 360 Sharing Cloud forum, also you can email to gxy-kefu@360.cn or call us via 400-6822360.

10.2 Please use the software on the premise of ensuring the safety of your own and others and complying with related laws and regulations.

10.3 If any provision of the agreement is fully or partly invalid or not executable due to whatever reasons, or violate any applicable laws, the provision is deemed to be deleted, but the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding force.

10.4 On the basis of the agreement, 360 will release documents of specific rules and instructions from time to time, the documents and any statement, notice, warning, etc. made by 360 in various way (including but not limited to web page announcement, system notice, private letter, SMS alert, etc.) shall be deemed as part of the agreement, it the user use or continue to use the services, the user is deemed to agree with the contents of the rules, instructions, statements, notice, warning.

10.5 360 owns the right to modify the agreement at any time according to the change of laws, regulations, and adjustment of business situations and strategy. The modified agreement will be released with the announcement of new software version. In case of dispute, the latest version of the agreement shall prevail. If the user disagrees with the modified contents, the user can deleted the software at the user’s discretion. If the user continue to use the software, it is deemed to accept the modification of the agreement.

10.6 360 owns the right of interpretation and modification of the agreement to the maximum extent permitted by law.

